
Projects and organizations that we are supporting, or have supported over the last two years include:

Harmony and Education

In his book, ‘Harmony, A New Way of Looking at Our World’, The Prince of Wales shares his insights about the timeless laws and principles which permeate everything around and within us, an understanding of which can enable us to make better sense of the world in which we find ourselves. He also suggests that […]

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Sustainability Metrics

There is growing evidence that agriculture and food is one of the most significant contributors to the transgression of ‘planetary boundaries’, especially in the area of greenhouse gas emissions, biodiversity, soil, water, and nitrogen use. At the World Economic Forum earlier this year, Professor Johan Rockström pointed out that, “A transition to sustainable agriculture and […]

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The Role of Livestock

The SFA believes that grazing livestock have a crucial role to play in sustainable food systems due to their unique ability to digest grass and forage legumes, which take carbon and nitrogen out of the atmosphere and store them in the soil. There is an increasing need for information about sustainable livestock production, particularly because […]

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True Cost Accounting

Currently, it is more profitable to farm unsustainably than it is to farm sustainably. Placing a clear monetary value on the benefits and impacts of different food production systems, would enable the introduction of policy mechanisms to penalize damaging practices and reward the development of systems that deliver positive environmental and public-health outcomes. The SFA […]

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MAD Symposium

Mad is an annual gathering of chefs that aims to recognize that the modern chef is faced with challenges and responsibilities that go far beyond supplying simple sustenance for the duration of a single meal. The SFA is proud to be the fiscal partner for MAD’s fundraising endeavours in the United States. We see great […]

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The SFA is helping to support the development of key research emerging from the need to better understand the true implications of current agricultural practices, and alternative methods for producing more food more sustainably with minimal impacts on the environment and public health.  We have supported a major research initiative that aims to better understand […]

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General support to the SFT

The directors of the SFA work closely with the staff and Board of the Sustainable Food Trust to plan programs that will serve our shared mission to accelerate the transition to more sustainable food and farming systems. From time to time, in response to this collective strategic planning process, we make general purpose grants to […]

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